Thursday, May 3, 2012

Painting Pots

I started creating pottery as an escape from working digitally every day and quickly fell in love with the feel of it. I am a sloppy pottery....but for me the thrill of playing with mud is more important than the end result. My fingers itch to get tactile again after hours of drawing imaginary lines.

My favorite part is the decorating. However, getting to that stage often takes a while, especially after a long break like this one. Sometimes it takes up until then for my obsessive nature to take over and I get hooked on pottery yet again...

Here are a few pieces I am working on now for the upcoming Sacred Vessels show at Bayarts (Opening May 11th, 7 to 9). I will also have some charcoal drawings in the show!

Large Woven Rim Platter
Small Textured Platters. These have the same floral motif as the bowls below but are going to be bright turquoise!

Time is Sacred Bowl Set.

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